Why You Should Consider Having Paint Protection Film Applied To Your Car

Whether you have a luxury car, sports car, or family sedan, you want your vehicle to maintain its looks and hold its value over the years. One thing you can do to protect the paint is to have protective film applied to your car. Film is much more effective than sealer or wax in protecting the paint against damage. Here's why film is a good choice.

Film Protects Against UV And Chemical Damage

Paint film is a layer of protection for your car that blocks substances that etch or discolor paint. Road salt, acidic bird droppings, sun exposure, pollution, and other threats assault the film rather than the paint on your car. Fortunately, the film is made of material that is durable and able to tolerate these threats without as much damage. However, to keep the film in good shape, you still need to wash your car regularly to wash off road debris so it doesn't gradually affect the film. Even after years of driving, the paint on your car will be free of damage when it is protected by film and this preserves your car's appearance and holds its resale value.

Paint Film Protects Against Scratches

Paint protection film has a slight elastic quality so it can recover its shape after it's scratched. Minor scratches will be invisible on paint film since the film can repair itself. This protects the paint against rocks and sand flinging against your car as you drive. The damage won't be as noticeable when it's on the film and if the film is damaged, it can be taken off and replaced while the paint underneath is unharmed.

Paint Protection Film Is Invisible

The elastic nature of the film allows it to be stretched for a tight cling that makes it invisible. You can't tell film is on your car if you have quality film applied by a professional so there are no bubbles or loose edges. The shine and true color of the paint will show through the film so your car still has its pleasing appearance while it's being protected. Quality film lasts for several years depending on how well you clean your car. It could last as long as you own your car so your vehicle is in good condition when it's time to trade it in.

When you look at all the benefits of paint protection film, you can see why it's a good investment for your vehicle. Some new cars come with the film applied to vulnerable areas of your vehicle, but you can also have it applied to a car you already own. Since it's invisible, it's a much more attractive option than buying a vinyl car bra because the beauty of your car is all anyone will notice. Contact a service, like A&G Auto Spa & Mobile Detailing, for more help.
